Welcome to the start of this weekly photo based blog, where I'll take you back to a random year of the month we're in. That is until I start running out of photos and have to start making it up as I go along anyway! But I'm sure you get the idea!
Today's throwback comes from a trip to Blackpool Pleasure Beach with a difference for me. It was a Wednesday, there were about 5 other people on park, and the sun was well and truly out, I returned back home somewhat sunburnt! The difference on this particular trip though was this was a "research" trip for college. I was studying digital & traditional art and design, being an enthusiast, any chance I got to model something on a roller coaster or amusement park I ran with it! If you're interested, I was gathering photos for an animation project as well as fact finding for a 3D modelling project I had coming up.
So let's get to the photos! Here we have a rare sight! A freshly painted Pleasure Beach railway station! I think it looked this fresh for about 3 weeks! Part of my animation project included transport so I acquired far too many boring photos of the journey from Edinburgh!

Next up, we have one of my most mourned, modern losses from the Pleasure Beach, Bling! I have some dodgy 720p footage of Bling from this day, as bad as the footage is, the sound more than makes up for it!

It couldn't be a throwback without a photo of this beauty! On this particular day I spent a lot of time riding the Big One. It was running fantastically, so much so I experienced 2 E-Stops from it flying into the final break run too quickly! On those gaps while the ride was reset I ended up sat on Bling instead.

Somewhere else I spent a lot of time was on good ol' Roller. Every time I think of this coaster this is still how it is in my mind, and I think it always will be. Who else misses the steps down rather than having to walk all the way through Nickelodeon Land these days?

Roller Coaster was the main feature of my 3D model so I ended up with a lot of close up shots of signage that day!

Here's a view that's changed! We could play spot the difference really! Rev, an obvious one, the Monorail, Candy House, Beaver Creek in general really, Space invader.... Ok you get my drift, if you have been to the park since 2012 you'll have some idea!

For about a day the Casino building was going to be my 3D model, but throughout my time studying art, circles just weren't my thing, coaster cars were so much more.... square!
But the Casino building is rather pretty in the sun!

So there you go, an insight to my 'research' trip to Blackpool Pleasure Beach!
And as a treat, here's some awful footage, featuring Bling's unforgettable whine!
All photos and video belong to me and may not be used without permission.
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